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Estd.- 1976

Maharaja Lakshman Sen Memorial College, Sundernagar

Lalit Sen Institute Of Business Education & Technology

A Post-Graduate Institute Affiliated to SPU, Mandi
NAAC Accredited with Grade 'B'

Physics Department

Welcome to the Department of Physics web pages. These pages are designed to give you an introduction to our Under Graduate and Post Graduate courses, syllabi, faculty and our activities.

Physics Department of M.L.S.M.College was started in 1980 with the introduction of B.Sc. course. Now it offers courses at under graduate and post graduate (Introduced in 2010) levels.

Housed in a spacious building of Lalit Sen Institute of Business Education and Technology (LSIBET) it has four well equipped laboratories (Two for UG and two for PG Classes) , one computational laboratory with internet facility and one dark room. The department has one smart lecture theater for Postgraduate students.

During an academic year, it caters to the academic needs of around 800 students specializing in Physics at UG level and 80 students at PG Level.

There are about 2000 books of physics in the college library.

The department has produced a large number of Graduate and Post Graduate students since its establishment and these students have excelled in different fields and made the institution proud.













































































B.Sc. Physical Science.

After successful completion of B.Sc. Programme the students would have the following attributes.
The graduate will acquire scientific temperament to analyze any problem he comes across.
The graduate will become successful professional by demonstrating logical and analytic thinking ability
.The graduate will work and communicate efficiently in inter-disciplinary environment, either independently or in a team, and demonstrate leadership quality.
The graduate will engage in life-long learning and professional development through self-study, continuing education or professional and doctoral level studies.
The graduate will understand the impact of science on society.
The graduate will acquire proficiency in the acquisition of data using a variety of laboratory instruments and in the analysis and interpretation of such data.
The graduate will analyze situations, search for the truth and extract information, formulate and solve problems in a systematic and logical way.
The science graduate will be able to perform job in divers fields such as science, engineering, survey, education, banking, development-planning, business, public service, self-employment etc. where qualities of precision, analytical mind, logical thinking, clarity of thoughts and expression, systematic approach, qualitative and quantitative decision are required.
Physics Department of M.L.S.M.College Sundernagar trains the students to understand basic concept of Physics. In this department, education means enrichment of principles of Physics along with overall personality development. The outcome is that our students are at par with the best of institutes of the state. As part of the preparation process, the Physics department faculty, has adopted the specific program outcomes to be achieved at the Physics department are as follows:
An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics and science.
An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams.
An ability to identify, formulates, and solves Physics problems.
An ability to communicate effectively.
The broad education necessary to understand the impact of Physics in a global, economic, environmental, and social context.
Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern tools necessary for science practice.
Students graduating with B.Sc. with Physics should be able to: Apply the basic laws of physics in the areas of classical mechanics, Newtonian gravitation, special relativity, electromagnetism, geometrical and physical optics, quantum mechanics, thermodynamics and statistical mechanics.
Recognize how observation, experiment and theory work together to continue to expand the frontiers of knowledge of the physical universe.
Apply basic mathematical tools commonly used in physics, including elementary probability theory, differential and integral calculus, vector calculus, ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations, and linear algebra.
Use basic laboratory data analysis techniques, including distinguishing statistical and systematic errors, propagating errors, and representing data graphically.
Access information on a topic from a variety of sources, and be able to learn new things on one’s own.
In addition, students graduating with B.Sc. with Physics should be able to:
Apply more advanced mathematical tools, including Fourier series and transforms, abstract linear algebra, and functions of a complex variable.
Use classic experimental techniques and modern measurement technology, including analog electronics, computer data acquisition, laboratory test equipment, optics, lasers, and detectors.


Course Title : Mechanics
Course Code : PHYS101TH
Course Type : Core Course – I (First Semester)
Credits : Theory-04

Student should be able to:
Formulate general mechanics parameters and distinguish between central and non-central forces.
To study Laws of Motion.
To study about planetary motion.
To study Simple harmonic motion.
Concept of Elasticity.
Special theory of Relativity.

Course Title: Electricity and Magnetism
Course Code: PHYS201TH
Course Type: Core Course – IV (Second Semester)

Student should be able to:
Explain the basic electric and magnetic interactions due to charged particles and currents
Describe how the electric interactions due to single or collection of charged particles are embodied in the concepts of the electric field and the electric potential
Predict the motion of charged particles in electric and magnetic fields
Explain the basic physics of capacitors and resistors
Predict the behavior of simple and complex direct current circuits using the fundamental conservation laws.

Course Title: Statistical Mechanics and Thermal Physics
Course Code: PHYS301TH
Course Type: Core Course- VII
(Third Semester)

Student should be able to:
To study physical behavior of an assembly of large number of particles using concept of Physics.
To apply distribution function to quantum and classical systems
To evaluate thermal properties of solids using statistical approach.
To understand concept of heat death of Universe.
Derive thermodynamic parameters and apply fundamental laws to solve thermodynamic problems
Application of Maxwell’s equations.
To understand low temperature Physics.

Course Title: Physics Workshop Skills
Course Code: PHYS302TH
Course Type: SEC – 1
(Third Semester)

Student should be able to:
This Physics workshop skill enhancement course develop the basic skills of the students such as measurement of the lengths, areas and volumes of objects of different sizes ranging from fraction of millimeter to kilometers. This course also develop the skill to understand about the different systems of welding and repairing metal parts as well as working mechanism of pulley, gears, lifts and breaking systems of vehicles. Other part of the course develops the understanding of fault finding and repairing of electronic circuits.

Course Title: Computational Physics Skills
Course Code: PHYS303TH
Course Type: SEC – 1
(Third Semester)

Student should be able to:
This course develops the capability of students to make the use of computers towards problem solving in physics and mathematics by learning algorithm development, forming its flowcharts and making computer programs. This course also develop the capability of using the computers for simulating problems in computer, making graphic presentation of data, word processing by using scientific word processor so as to produce papers, thesis, power presentations and pdf files.

Course Title: Waves and Optics
Course Code: PHYS401TH
Course Type: Core Course – X
(Forth Semester)

Student should be able to:
Concept of Viscosity.
To understand electromagnetic nature of Light.
Analyze the intensity variation of light due to Polarization, interference and diffraction.
Explain working principle of lasers
Explain types of waves and interference of light

Course Title: Electrical Circuits and Network Skills
Course Code: PHYS402TH
Course Type: SEC – II
(Third Semester)

The aim of this course is to enable the students to design and trouble shoots the electrical circuits, networks and appliances through hands-on mode. This course covers:
Basic Electricity Principles.
Understanding Electrical Circuits.
Electrical Drawing and Symbols.
Generators and Transformers.
Electrical Wiring

Course Title: Basic Instrumentation Skills
Course code: PHYS403Th
Course Type: SEC – II
(Third Semester) Credits:04

This course is to get exposure with various aspects of instruments and their usage through hands-on mode.
The instruments covered in the course are:
Use of multi meter to measure AC/ DC Voltage, current and Resistance.
Use of Cathode Ray Oscilloscope.
Use of Signal Generators and Analysis Instruments
Use of Impedance Bridges & Q-Meters.
Use of Digital multimeter.

Course Title: Elements of Modern Physics
Course Code: PHYS501
Course Type: DSE– 1A
(Fifth Semester)

Student should be able to:
Explain fundamentals of quantum mechanics and apply to one dimensional motion of particles
Calculate Q-value of nuclear reactions and describe particle detectors and accelerators

Course Title: Mathematical Physics
Course Code: PHYS502
Course Type: DSE – 1A
(Fifth Semester)

Student should be able to:
To understand basic tools of mathematical physics.
To strengthen knowledge about various problems of physics by deep mathematical analysis.
To analyze various periodic motions of nature using Fourier series.
To apply specials functions like Dirac delta, Bessel functions, Hermite polynomial etc. to understand physical problems in depth.
To understand problems by going from one parameter to another using Fourier and Laplace transform.
To solve differential equations using inverse Laplace transform.

Course Title: Solid State Physics
Course Code: PHYS503
Course Type: DSE – 1A
(Fifth Semester)

Student should be able to:
To analyze the structural properties of elemental solids such as inter atomic spacing, Brillouine Zones.
Lattice Vibrations to understand phonons behaviors to explain the propagations of elastic waves and hence Specific Heats of solids.
To study free electron behavior in metals.
To apply distribution function to quantum and classical systems
BCS theory of superconductivity.

Course Title: Medical Physics
Course Code: PHYS504
Course Type: DSE – 1A
(Fifth Semester)

Student should be able to:
Identify medical radiation related instrumentation and apply techniques associated with diagnostic imaging and radiation oncology.
Compare theoretical, practical and professional information and communicate knowledge, ideas and procedures to other health care professionals/practitioners, researchers and other key stakeholders.
Identify the biological effects of radiation and its application for radiation safety and for radiation treatment.
Apply knowledge of the basic structure and function of the human body relevant to clinical diagnostic imaging and radiation oncology.
Classify radiation and radioactivity, its properties, units of measure, dosimeter measurement concepts and methods.
Identify radiation safety practices and procedures associated with diagnostic imaging and radiation oncology.
Employ independent learning strategies to self-evaluate and update professional knowledge of innovations in medical radiation physics.
Apply knowledge of fundamental physical laws to analyze behavior and properties of a variety of physical systems.

Course Title: Radiology and Safety
Course Code: PHYS505
Course Type: SEC – III
(Fifth Semester)

The outcome of this course is to impart the knowledge of how x-rays, radioactive radiations and other radiations can be produced, detected, the harmful effect of radiation on living cells and how much dose of radiations are permissible according to International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) when human being is using it. On the other hand this course impart the students with the knowledge that how these radiations interact with matter and use of different type of radiations in the different fields such as Medical science, Archaeology, Art, Crime detection, Mining and Industries.

Course Title: Applied Optics
Course Code: PHYS506
Course Type: SEC – III (Fifth Semester)

Student should be able to:
Study about He- Ne LASER and its applications.
Concept of Spatial frequency filtering, Fourier transforming property of a thin lens.
To study the interference pattern from a Michelson interferometer.
Basic principle and theory: coherence, resolution, Types of holograms, white light reflection hologram, application of holography in microscopy, interferometer, and character recognition.
Optical fibers and their properties, Principal of light propagation through a fiber, The numerical
aperture, Attenuation in optical fiber and attenuation limit, Single mode and multimode fibers, Fiber optic sensors: Fiber Bragg Grating.

Course Title: Nuclear and Particle Physics
Course Code: PHYS601
Course Type: DSE – 1B
(Sixth Semester)

Student should be able to:
Study of general properties of nucleus and its different models
Basic understanding of Radio-activity and its use.
Types of nuclear reaction and its applications.
Interaction of radiations with matter.
Particle accelerators.
Basic idea of elementary particles.

Course Title: Quantum mechanics
Course Code: PHYS602
Course Type: DSE – 1B
(Sixth Semester)

Student should be able to:
Study time dependent and independent Schrödinger wave equation.

Properties of wave function, uncertainty principle. General discussion of bound state in an arbitrary potential.
Quantum theory of Hydrogen like atom, atoms in electric and magnetic fields. Normal and anomalous Zeeman effect.
Pauli’s exclusion principle, spin orbit couplings.

Course Title: Digital Signal Processing
Course Code: PHYS603
Course Type: DSE – 1B
(Sixth Semester)

Student should be able to:
Acquired knowledge about basic digital electronics
Acquired knowledge about solving problem related to number system and Boolean algebra.
Know the working and applications of one bit memory (flip flop).
Understand the working of various components of digital system like; registers, counters, converters and op-amp etc.
Understand the role of each component of microprocessor 8085.

Course Title: Astronomy and Astrophysics
Course Code: PHYS604
Course Type: DSE – 1B
(Sixth Semester)

Student should be able to:
Formulate general parameters distance, time brightness, temperature.
Study about planets, stars their orbits.
Study about telescopes such as reflecting telescope, space telescope, detectors.
Study about milky-way, dark matter, nature of spiral arms.
Study of Hubble classification of galaxies, gas and dust in galaxies.
Study of Hubble Law and dark matter.

Course Title: Weather Forecasting
Course Code: PHY505
Course Type: SEC – IV (Sixth Semester)

Student should be able to:
The ability to interpret weather information from satellite images enables people to make informed decisions about their day. By learning a few basic weather rules, anyone can use satellite images to predict the weather for their location for the upcoming afternoon or the next day.

Course Title: Renewable Energy and Energy Harvesting.
Course Code: PHYS506
Course Type: SEC – IV (Sixth Semester)

Course gives introduction to energy systems and renewable energy resources, with a scientific examination of the energy field and an emphasis on alternate energy sources and their technology and application. Prepare for the challenges of designing, promoting and implementing renewable energy solutions within society's rapidly-changing energy-related industry cluster. The student will explore society’s present needs and future energy demands, examine conventional energy sources and systems, including fossil fuels and nuclear energy, and then focus on alternate, renewable energy sources such as solar, biomass (conversions), wind power, geothermal, and hydro.

Learning outcomes for the Physics Practical’s at undergraduate program:

Students will demonstrate an understanding of core knowledge in physics, including the major premises of Mechanics, E&M, Electronics, Optics, Laser, Heat,Digital Electronics, Computational Physics and Modern Physics.
Students will demonstrate written and oral communication skills in communicating physics-related topics.
Students will assemble and conduct an experiment (or series of experiments) demonstrating their understanding of the scientific method and processes. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the analytical methods required to interpret and analyze results and draw conclusions as supported by their data.
Students will demonstrate proficiency in the acquisition of data using a variety of laboratory instruments and in the analysis and interpretation of such data.
Students will demonstrate a thorough understanding of the analytical approach to modeling of physical phenomena.
Students will demonstrate an understanding of the impact of physics and science on society

Attainment of Program outcome:

The scheme developed for the programme and the curriculum laid down for every subject is designed in a way to achieve academic excellence and meet the requirements of stakeholders and all-in–all move towards the attainment of department as well as University Mission.

Administrative system helps in ensuring the Achievement of PSOs

1.Regular departmental meetings are held which is presided by HOD and all agenda of improvement of academics are discussed to achieve the PSOs.
2.The Student mentors and Project evaluation committees are formed at the department level.
3.Concerned faculty keeps a check on the students not only in academic matters but also in their personal and emotional affairs.
4.The faculty keeps a vigilant eye on course structure and suggests the changes to the University as and when required.

Regular Examination System

The POs, PSOs and COs Objectives are determined and evaluated through a regular examination process, Class Tests, Seminars and consultation that involve four core constituents: Students, Alumni, PTA, and Faculty.
Student input is obtained through student feedback, interaction with College Student Central Association (CSCA), exit interviews with graduating students, student evaluation forms, and individual faculty-student advisee interaction.

Feedback from Alumni / PTA

Alumni /PTA input are obtained through regular meetings with alumni/PTA representatives, and exit surveys with graduating students.
Faculty input is obtained through departmental committees, regular faculty meetings, and departmental retreats.
Student input is taken on regular basis at the end of each semester.

Attainment of each of the PSOs and COs can be judged from the following:

Increase in pass percentage of students.
Percentage of students qualifying GRE, GATE, TOEFEL and other competitive exams is increasing.
Rise in the number of students going for PG programmes in reputed institutions in India and abroad.
Increase in number of placement per student and in better industries after the completion of the degree programme.
Percentage of failures in different courses is reducing every year.

Name of Program Program Specific Outcomes

M.Sc. Physics
Career Prospects

M.Sc. Graduate from the degree programme in physics has a profound knowledge of physics and an adequate knowledge of the supporting minor subjects.  She/he has a scientific way of thinking and solving problems.She/he is able to search for information and draw up reports, using the concepts of physics. She/he is capable of evaluating information with a critical approach.She/he also has a basic knowledge of the development of the scientific way of thinking and world view. She/he knows how to apply the existing knowledge of physics and how to carry out wide learning entities, research projects and laboratory demonstrations for teaching purposes.

Opportunities after M.Sc. program include doing research in leading national and international universities, laboratories and research institutes. Some of the students go ahead to do industrial research in various fields, or opt to take up non academic jobs. Many find teaching jobs in schools or colleges.

Name of course (Course ode) Course Outcomes

Mathematical Physics

The aim and objective of the course on Mathematical Physics is to equip the M.Sc. student with the mathematical techniques for understanding theoretical treatment in different courses On completion of this course a students should be able to:
1. Apply techniques of complex analysis to solve integration.
2. Explain linear dependence and linear combination of vectors as quantities in physics.
3. Solve special function Bessel, Legendre, Hermite, Lagurre functions.
4. Define and manipulate the Dirac Delta, beta and gamma function and will be able to derive their various properties.
5. Be fluent in the use of Fourier and Laplace transformations to solve differential equations.
6. Solve partial differential equations with appropriate initial or boundary conditions with Green function techniques.
7. Able to understand and apply group theory in physics problems.

Classical Mechanics
(PHYMS-102 )
Course Learning Outcomes:

The aim and objective of the course:
The aim and objective of the course on Classical Mechanics is to train the students of M.Sc. class in the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalisms for discrete systems, Conservation theorems, Rigid body motion, Hamiltons equations, Canonical Transformations, Poisson’s and Lagrangian brackets, Euler equations, Hamilton-Jacobi Theory and Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Formulations for continuous systems and fields to an extent that they can use these in the modern branches like Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Field Theory, Condensed Matter Physics, Astrophysics etc.
Students will have understanding of:
1. The Lagrangian and Hamiltonian approaches in classical mechanics.
2. The classical background of Quantum Mechanics and get familiarized with Poisson brackets and Hamilton -Jacobi equation.
3. Kinematics and Dynamics of rigid body in detail and ideas regarding Eulers equations of motion.
4. Theory of small oscillations in detail along with basis of free vibrations.

Electronics I

This course is to introduce students to the different components of microprocessors and microwave communication system.
At the end of this course students will:
1. Know the working and applications of one bit memory (flip flop).
2. Understand the working various components of digital system like; registers, counters, converters and op-amp etc.
3. Understand the role of each component of microprocessor 8085.
4. Know the assembly language programming of microprocessor.
5. Be able to use op amp to perform various operations.
6. Understand the working various microwave generating devices.
7. Understand the microwave communication and advantages.

Computational Methods in


This course teaches the students programming tactics, numerical methods and their implementation like applying to problem in physics, including modeling of classical physics to quantum system as well as data analysis (Linear and non linear). Use analysis techniques for propagating error, representing data graphically. Create, solve and interpret basic mathematical tool.

Practical (PHYMS-105)

Physics Laboratory is to train the students to experimental techniques in general physics, electronics and condensed matter physics so that they can verify some of the things read in theory here or in earlier classes, so can co-relate the theoretical concepts with the experimental ones and are confidence to handle sophisticated equipment.
The laboratory should help the student develop a broad array of basic skills and tools of experimental physics and data analysis. Helps students develop collaborative learning skills that are vital to success in many lifelong endeavors.

Quantum Mechanics -I (PHYMS-201)
Course Learning Outcomes:

The aim and objective of the course:
The aim and objective of the course on Quantum Mechanics is to introduce the students of M.Sc. class to the formal structure of the subject and to equip them with the techniques of Linear Vector- Space ,Matrix Mechanics, General Angular Momentum, Perturbation Theory and Fermi Golden Rule so that they can use these in various branches of physics as per their requirement.
Students will have understanding of:
1. Importance of Quantum Mechanics compared to Classical Mechanics at microscopic level.
2. Linear vector spaces, Hilbert space, concepts of Basis, Vector and Operators and Bra and Ket notation.
3. Matrix formulation of Quantum Mechanics.
4. Time evolution of Quantum Mechanical systems i.e. Schrödinger, Heisenberg and Interaction pictures and their applications.
5. Various tools to calculate Eigen values and total Angular Momentum of particles.

Condensed Matter Physics

It is important to understand the origin of various properties of condensed matter before using them, or designing new kind of material for particular application. This course is designed to impart the knowledge of theories and models in the field of condensed matter physics.
At the end of this course students will have
1. Knowledge of models and theories developed to study the thermal and electrical conductivity of insulators and conductors.
2. Understanding of different methods of band structure calculation.
3. Ability to characterize materials on the basis of band gap.
4. Knowledge of different properties of semiconductors and Super conductors.
5. Knowledge of microscopic and macroscopic dielectric property of materials.
6. Knowledge of possible defects in a material and different properties of amorphous materials.
7. Ability to apply the obtained concepts to challenges in condensed matter physics.

Statistical Physics
(PHYMS-203 )

The aim of the course is to familiarize the students with the techniques and principles of Statistical physics to understand different systems (Ideal gas, non ideal gas, Fermi gas and boson gas).
On completion of this course a student should be able to:
1. Understand the fundamental principles of statistical physics.
2. Derive Gibbs distribution function and will be able to find out Gibbs distribution of different systems.
3. Derive and understand Boltzmann distribution function, free energy of ideal gas, equation of state for ideal gas.
4. Derive Vander Waals formula, virial coefficient and scattering amplitude.
5. Understand and derive Fermi and Bose distribution and applications.


This course includes the postulates of special theory of relativity, Lorentz transformations, motion of particle in various aspects of electric and magnetic fields like constant and varying fields including non-relativistic and relativistic motions of charge particle and magnetic mirroring. The Covariant Formulation of Electrodynamics in Vacuum gives information of Four vectors in Electrodynamics, covariant continuity equation, wave equation, covariance of Maxwell equations. The aim of the course is to take a glimpse of radiation from accelerated charges, Thomson scattering, Rayleigh scattering, absorption of radiation by bound electron.

Practical (PHYMS-205)

1. The course is designed to train the students so that they can efficiently handle various instruments.
2. Students will verify laws studied in the different theory course.
3. Students will practically study the working of different electronic components/ circuits.
4. Students will measure different properties of materials. 5. Students will be able to write programme for different numerical methods.

Quantum Mechanics II (PHYMS-301)
Course Learning Outcomes

The aim and objective of the course:
The aim and objective of the course on Quantum Mechanics is to introduce the students of M.Sc. class to the formal structure of the subject and to equip them with the techniques of Relativistic Quantum Mechanics: Klein Gordon equation, Dirac equation, fine structure of hydrogen atom, Lamb shift, Field Quantization, Relativistic Quantum Field Theory so that they can use these in various branches of physics as per their requirement.
Students will have understanding of:
1. Theory of Scattering and calculation of Scattering Cross Section, Optical theorem, Born Approximation and partial wave analysis etc.
2. Theory of Identical Particles
3. Relativistic Quantum Mechanics using Dirac equation, Dirac matrices, The Klein Gordon equation etc
4. Second quantization of the Schrödinger wave field for bosons and fermions

Material Science

From this course student will be able to think critically and understand the relationship between nano /microstructure, characterization, properties, processing and design of new material. Posses the skill and different material characterization techniques necessary for modern material practice.

Nuclear Physics

This course is designed to provide understanding of structure and properties. At the end of this course students will have understanding of:
1. Nuclear forces and stability.
2. Nuclear models (Shell and Collective).
3. Excited states, quadruple moment, spin, parity and magnetic moment.
4. Experimental methods used to study the different properties of nuclei.

High Energy Physics

The aim and objective of particle Physics is to familiarize with the concepts of Scattering Kinematics, Scattering Matrix and Phase Space, Dalitz plots. Invariance principles and conservation laws: parity, Charge, time reversal, charge conjugation, G-Parity, CP and CPT invariance. Unitary groups SU2, SU3 , Quark Model, Gell Mann Okubo Mass Formula, Weak Interactions, Classification of weak Interactions, Universality of Weak Interactions, Fermi Theory of weak interactions, Intermediate Vector Boson Hypothesis, Helicity of Neutrino, Two Component Theory of Neutrino, KoKo Mixing and CP Violation, KoKo Regeneration.

Practical (PHYMS-305)

1. The course is designed to train the students so that they can efficiently handle various instruments.
2. Students will verify laws studied in the different theory course.
3. Students will practically study the working of different electronic components/ circuits.
4. Students will measure different properties of materials.
5. Students will be able to write programme for different numerical methods.

(PHYMS- 401)

Course is to train and equip students to become skilled and specialized in vast discipline of Physics and Electronics. Know basics of electronics, its fabrication and synthesis techniques. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.

Nuclear and Particle Astro- physics

The aim and objective of particle Physics is to familiarize with the concepts of
The observational basis of Nuclear Astrophysics, The Origin of the
Universe, the Hadron Era, the Lepton Era, The Radiation Era- Stellar Evolution, Evolution of Stars Nucleosynthesis, the Standard Model of the Universe, The Cosmdogical principle and the expansion of the Universe.

Nano Physics (PHYMS-403(a))
Course Learning Outcomes

The aim and objective of the course:
The aim and objective of the course on Nano Physics is to familiarize the students of M.Sc. to the various aspects related to Preparation, Characterization and study of different properties of the nano materials so that they can pursue this emerging research field as career.
Students will have understanding of:
1. Different type of nano materials, and their synthesis techniques
2. Size dependence of various properties
3. Various applications and perspectives of nanotechnology in the development of value added new products and device.

Opto-electronics (PHYMS-04(c))

Optical fibers are the media for fast and low noise communication. This course is designed to introduce the students to the working of different components of optical fiber communication system. At the end of this course students will
1. Understand the working of light emitting sourced used in optical fiber communication.
2. Understand the physics behind the optical communication.
3. Know the various techniques of optical fiber fabrication.
4. Understand the detection process.
5. Know the working of various semiconductor based optical signal detection devices.
6. Understand the working of display devices (LCD and holography).

Project (PHYMS-405)

All the M.Sc. Physics Students will do a supervised Physics Project in IV Semester. Department considers it an important culmination of training in Physics learning and research. This project will be a supervised collaborative work in Theoretical Physics (Condensed Matter Physics, Nuclear Physics, and Particle Physics), Experimental Physics, and Computational Physics. The project will aim to introduce student to the basics and methodology of research in physics, which is done via theory, computation and experiments either all together or separately by one of these approaches. It is intended to give research exposure to students at M.Sc. level itself.

Attainment of Course outcomes

Attainment of outcome of each courses evaluated by conducting two Mid semester exams (one in the middle of the semester i.e. 7th week and the second at the closing of the semester i.e. 14th week) and one End semester.

Attainment of Program Specific outcomes

Attainment of Program Specific outcomes of M.Sc. Physics program is evaluated by keeping record regarding placement of pass out students.
1. Increase in pass per
centage of students. 2. Percentage of students qualifying GRE, GATE, TOEFEL and other competitive exams is increasing.
3. Rise in the number of students going for M. Phil. and Ph.D. programmes in reputed institutions in India and abroad.
4. Increase in number of placement per student and in better industries after the completion of the degree programme.
5. Percentage of failures in different courses is reducing every year.


Name : Dr. Kameshwar Kumar (Principal)

Email :

Mobile No. : 9418352006

Qualification : M.Sc., M.Phil. Ph. D.

Name : Dr. Vinod Kumar (H.O.D.)

Email :

Mobile No. : 9418488016

Qualification : M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.

Name : Mr. Dharmender Singh Rana

Email :

Mobile No. : 7018291874

Qualification : M.Sc. (CSIR-JRF, GATE)

Name : Dr. Mainika

Email :

Mobile No. : 7018043915

Qualification : M.Sc., M.Phil. Ph.D.

Name : Dr. Kuldeep Singh

Email :

Mobile No. : 8219207874

Qualification : M.Sc. Ph.D, (NET-JRF)

Name : Dr. Ashish Gautam

Email :

Mobile No. : 7018372616

Qualification : M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.

Name : Dr. Sonu Sharma

Email :

Mobile No. : 9816616851

Qualification : M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D. and Post Doc.

Name : Yogesh Kumar

Email :

Mobile No. : 8988238278

Qualification : M.Sc., SET

Time-Table of M.Sc. Physics for the session 2024-25 w.e.f. 12/08/2024 Download File..
Dated : Aug 10, 2024
Time-Table of M.Sc. Physics for the session 2024-25 w.e.f. 12/08/2024 
Final Date-sheet of M.Sc. Physics End Semester Examination July/August, 2024 - SPU Mandi Download File..
Dated : Jul 16, 2024
Final Date-sheet of M.Sc. Physics End Semester Examination July/August, 2024 - SPU Mandi
Final Updated Date Sheet for End Semester Examination March/ April, 2024 - SPU Mandi Download File..
Dated : Feb 27, 2024
Final Updated Date Sheet for End Semester Examination March/ April, 2024 - SPU Mandi
Date-sheet for Mid-Term Examination December 2023 Download File..
Dated : Dec 07, 2023
Date-sheet for Mid-Term Examination December 2023
Tentative Date Sheet for the End Semester Examination to be held in July 2023 - SPU Mandi Download File..
Dated : Jun 29, 2023
Tentative Date Sheet for the End Semester Examination to be held in July 2023 - SPU Mandi 
Tentative Date-sheet of M.Sc. Physics 1st Semester - SPU Mandi Download File..
Dated : Dec 19, 2022
Tentative Date-sheet of M.Sc. Physics 1st Semester - SPU Mandi
Notification regarding extend of last date of PG courses examination forms Download File..
Dated : Dec 07, 2022
Notification regarding extend of last date of PG courses examination forms
Tentative Date-sheet of M.Sc. Physics 1st Semester - SPU Mandi Download File..
Dated : Nov 18, 2022
Tentative Date-sheet of M.Sc. Physics 1st Semester - SPU Mandi
Notification regarding submission of examination forms of Post Graduate Degree courses Download File..
Dated : Nov 17, 2022
Notification regarding submission of examination forms of Post Graduate Degree courses
Admission to PG Courses 2022-23 Download File..
Dated : Aug 01, 2022
Admission to PG Courses 2022-23
Date-sheet for M.Sc. Physics examinations to be held in July, 2022 Download File..
Dated : Jul 15, 2022
Date-sheet for M.Sc. Physics examinations to be held in July, 2022
Notification regarding extension of last date for submission of examination form of PG Courses Download File..
Dated : Jun 13, 2022
Notification regarding extension of last date for submission of examination form of PG Courses
Date sheet of M.Sc. Physics examinations to be held in March, 2022 Download File..
Dated : Feb 21, 2022
Date sheet of M.Sc. Physics examinations to be held in March, 2022
Notification regarding submission of examination forms of PG examination Download File..
Dated : Jan 07, 2022
Notification regarding submission of examination forms of  PG examination scheduled to be held in March, 2022
Date Sheet for M.Sc. (Physics) First Semester House Test Download File..
Dated : Nov 27, 2021
Date Sheet for M.Sc. (Physics) First Semester House Test
Fee Notice for M.Sc. 2nd Year Students (Session 2021-22) Download File..
Dated : Oct 20, 2021
Fee Notice for M.Sc. 2nd Year Students (Session 2021-22)
Time Table of M.Sc. Physics 1st & 3rd Semester, October 2021 Download File..
Dated : Oct 02, 2021
Time Table of M.Sc. Physics 1st & 3rd Semester, October 2021
Important Notice: Regarding Admission to M.Sc. 1st Semester (Physics, Chemistry, Botany and Zoology) Download File..
Dated : Sep 18, 2021
Important Notice: Regarding Admission to M.Sc. 1st Semester (Physics, Chemistry, Botany and Zoology)
Important Notice Regarding Admission to M.Sc. Ist Semester, Session 2021-2022 Download File..
Dated : Sep 15, 2021
Important Notice Regarding Admission to M.Sc. Ist Semester, Session 2021-2022
Revised datesheet of M.Sc. Physics Download File..
Dated : Sep 10, 2021
Revised datesheet of M.Sc. Physics 
Date-sheet for M.Sc. Physics 2nd & 4th Semester Regular and Semester 1st & 3rd Re-appear exam Download File..
Dated : Aug 27, 2021
Date-sheet for M.Sc. Physics 2nd & 4th Semester Regular and Semester 1st & 3rd Re-appear examination to be held in September, 2021
Notification regarding submission of examination forms in respect Postgraduate courses Download File..
Dated : Jul 29, 2021
Notification regarding submission of examination forms in respect Postgraduate courses
Datesheet of M.Sc. Botany, Zoology, Chemistry & Physics examinations to be held in March, 2021 Download File..
Dated : Mar 04, 2021
Student Notice: Regarding Online filling of e-examination form for M.Sc. Download File..
Dated : Jan 28, 2021
A few seats are lying vacant for the admission to M.Sc. Ist Semester Download File..
Dated : Dec 08, 2020
Last date to deposit the fee of M.Sc. III Semester is 7th December, 2020 Download File..
Dated : Dec 02, 2020
Merit List of M.Sc.I Physics, Session 2020-2021 Download File..
Dated : Nov 28, 2020
Student Notice: Regarding M.Sc. 1st Semester Merit List, Counselling & Admission Download File..
Dated : Nov 09, 2020
Datesheet of M.Sc. Physics examinations to be held in September, 2020 Download File..
Dated : Aug 31, 2020
Datesheet of M.Sc. Physics examinations to be held in September, 2020
Notification regarding change of examination centre in PG Courses Download File..
Dated : Aug 28, 2020
HPU Notification regarding PG online examination forms Download File..
Dated : Jun 20, 2020
Time Table of M.Sc. Physics 2nd & 4th Sem. Feb. 2020 Download File..
Dated : Feb 08, 2020
Final Practical Date Sheet of M.Sc. 1st & 3rd sem. Dec. 2019 Download File..
Dated : Dec 16, 2019
Date-sheet for M.Sc. Physics 1st & 3rd Semester Regular and Semester 2nd & 4th Re-appear examination to be held in November, 2019 Download File..
Dated : Nov 18, 2019
Date Sheet for M.Sc. (Physics) House Test -II Oct. 2019 Download File..
Dated : Oct 10, 2019
Online Test of Python on 30/09/2019 Download File..
Dated : Sep 20, 2019
A Bridge course on Electronics for M.Sc. 1st Sem. Students Download File..
Dated : Aug 20, 2019
"Recent advances in Magnetic levitation Technology for Emerging applications in Research & Industry for the 21st century Download File..
Dated : Jul 20, 2019
Admission Schedule of M.Sc. Download File..
Dated : Jun 16, 2019
Datesheet of M.Sc. Physics Examinations to be held in June, 2019 Download File..
Dated : Jun 11, 2019
Date Sheet for M.Sc. (Physics) House Test -II May 2019 Download File..
Dated : May 08, 2019
Online Certificate course on Python for M.Sc. 2nd Sem. Download File..
Dated : Apr 18, 2019
Report - National Science Day 2019 Download File..
Dated : Mar 29, 2019
Date Sheet for M.Sc. (Physics) House Test -I March 2019 Download File..
Dated : Mar 26, 2019
National Science Day 2019 Download File..
Dated : Feb 27, 2019
Online Test for SCILab spoken Tutorial 2019 Download File..
Dated : Feb 15, 2019
Project Proposal Notice for M.Sc. 4th Sem. Students Download File..
Dated : Feb 12, 2019
Time Table M.Sc. Physics 2nd & 4th Sem. 2019 Download File..
Dated : Feb 07, 2019
Final Practical M.Sc. I &III Sem. Dec. 2018 Download File..
Dated : Dec 13, 2018
Mock Test Series Download File..
Dated : Dec 10, 2018
Project Supervisor Notice Dec. 2018 Download File..
Dated : Dec 06, 2018
M.Sc. Final Practical Examination Dec. 2018 Download File..
Dated : Dec 06, 2018
Academic Fest 2018 Results Download File..
Dated : Nov 02, 2018
Datesheet M.Sc. HOUSETEST-II, Oct. 2018 Download File..
Dated : Oct 18, 2018
Datesheet M.Sc. Housetest Download File..
Dated : Sep 10, 2018
Academic Fest 2018 Download File..
Dated : Aug 23, 2018
Physics Club MLSM College 2018-19 Download File..
Dated : Aug 05, 2018
Certificate Course on Scilab Download File..
Dated : Jul 24, 2018
Time Table of M.Sc. 1st & 3rd Sem. Download File..
Dated : Jul 18, 2018
Candidates called for Counseling cum Admission of M.Sc. Physics to be held on 11-07-2018 Download File..
Dated : Jul 10, 2018
Final Practical Examination Notice 2018 Download File..
Dated : Jul 10, 2018
Date-sheet for M.Sc. Physics 2nd & 4th Semester Download File..
Dated : May 29, 2018
National Science Day Download File..
Dated : Feb 28, 2018
National Science Day Download File..
Dated : Feb 20, 2018
This is to inform the students of M.Sc. Physics 2nd and 4th semester that regular teaching will start from 5th Feb. 2018 onwards. Download File..
Dated : Feb 07, 2018
Time Table of M.Sc. 2nd & 4th Sem. Download File..
Dated : Jan 29, 2018
M.Sc. 4th Sem Students Project List along with Guides Download File..
Dated : Dec 16, 2017
Final Practical Examination Notice Download File..
Dated : Dec 16, 2017
Datesheet of M.Sc. Physics Download File..
Dated : Nov 06, 2017
Student Notice Download File..
Dated : Oct 08, 2017
Invitation to attend a lecture on STRESS MANAGEMENT Download File..
Dated : Aug 30, 2017
Member of Physics Club MLSM College Sundernagar Download File..
Dated : Aug 22, 2017
Admission Notice for Vacant Seats In The Department of Physics Download File..
Dated : Jul 29, 2017
M.Sc. Physics First Semester, 2017 Time Table Download File..
Dated : Jul 21, 2017
M.Sc. II & IV Semester Final Practical's Examination Schedule Download File..
Dated : Jul 20, 2017
Candidates called for Counselling of M.Sc. Physics to be held on 18-07-2017 Download File..
Dated : Jul 17, 2017
Admission to M.Sc. Physics Programme 2017 Download File..
Dated : Jul 12, 2017
Notice for M.Sc. Practical Examination Download File..
Dated : Jul 06, 2017


All of the laws of physics are expressions of experimentally observed regularities in nature. In the laboratory you will have an opportunity to observe and discover those regularities directly. Laboratory work is a very important part of a course in General Physics. It reinforces the student’s understanding of fundamental concepts and principles while, at the same time, helping the student to develop skill in carrying out scientific measurements. For these reasons, the successful completion of the laboratory component will be required of every student.

Laboratory work is the heart of physics and experimenting is the most effective way of learning. Physics lab at M. L. S. M. College is well equipped to nurture and facilitate effective learning and is divided into- UG Lab for B.Sc. students and PG Lab for M.Sc. Students and it is equipped with state-of-the art equipment’s for demonstration experiments for all areas of physics related directly to mechanics, solid state, electronics, thermodynamics, optics and computational physics.

Physics Department has six laboratories.

For Under Graduate students : 2 Labs
Post Graduate students : 2 Labs
Dark Room (To perform experiment of optics) 1 Lab
Computational Laboratory (With 10 Computers) 1 Lab

The lab has a wide variety of instruments like low power Helium-Neon laser, Semiconductor diode lasers, good resolution spectrometers, optical pieces like lenses, gratings and Polaroid, photodiodes, microscopes, telescopes, sodium lamps, mercury lamps, gratings, bi-prisms,Newton’s ring, polarimeter,cathode ray oscilloscopes, constant current power supplies, potentiometers, ballistic galvanometers, digital multi-meters, sensitive ammeters and galvanometers along with relevant important materials to be studied.

Lab is operational daily for 6 hours in a week, during which one faculty member and two lab instructors are present for guidance.

M.Sc. Physics Batch 2010-2012
1Narotam RamS/O Sh. Prem Chand 4th in H.P.U.
2Meenakshi Pathania D/O Sh. Prithi Pal 5th in H.P.U
3Trishna Sharma D/o Sh. Nand Lal 8th in H.P.U.
M.Sc. Physics Batch 2011-2013
4 Shilpa ThakurD/O Sh. Lekh Raj 1st in H.P.U,Gold Medalist
5 Anjna Devi D/O Sh. Ashol Paul 3rd in H.P.U.
6 Ajay Kumar S/O Sh. Gian Chand 2nd in H.P.U.
7 Meenakshi Sharma D/O Sh. Roop Chand 9th in H.P.U.
M.Sc. Physics Batch 2013-2015
8 Priyanka D/O Sh. Ravinder Singh 3rd in H.P.U.
9 Kalpana Devi D/o Sh. Krishan Singh 5th in H.P.U.
10 Neha Gupta D/O Sh. Sanjeev Kumar 8th in H.P.U.
11 Himani D/O Sh. Prakash Chand 9th in H.P.U.
M.Sc. Physics Batch 2014-2016
12 Ramesh Verma S/O Sh. Noop Ram 1st in H.P.U. Gold Medalist

Our Achievements

Self Financing Scheme

Pioneer institution to start courses under Self financing scheme in the state of Himachal Pradesh.

Concept of B. Ed.

First college in the state to introduce the concept of B. Ed. under self financing scheme.

M. Sc.

First college in the state to introduce M. Sc’s in Physics and Chemistry.

Excellence in Sports

Has consistently maintained a tradition of excellence in sports and culture for the last 40 years.


Designated as Centre of Excellence for Boxing by the District Sports Council, Mandi.


Presently has 17 departments with a student strength of more than 3000.