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Estd.- 1976

Maharaja Lakshman Sen Memorial College, Sundernagar

Lalit Sen Institute Of Business Education & Technology

A Post-Graduate Institute Affiliated to SPU, Mandi
NAAC Accredited with Grade 'B'

Bio Science


Course Code Course Title Title of the course Periods(60 m)Per week Max Marks IA Total Marks Exam.Duration Hours
Course I Biology And Diversity of Algae And Fungi 3 60 20 80 3
Practical   3 20 00 20 3
Course II Biology And Diversity of Microbes And Plant Pathogens 3 60 20 80 3
Practical   3 20 00 20 3
Course III Biology And Diversity of Bryophytes And Pteridophytes 3 60 20 80 3
Practical   3 20 00 20 3
Course IV Plant Resource Utilization And Breeding 3 60 20 80 3
Practical 3 20 00 20 3
Total marks         400  
Practical 3 20 00 20 3
Practical 3 20 00 20 3
Practical 3 20 00 20 3
Practical   3 20 00 20 3
Total marks         400  
Practical   3 20 00 20 3
Practical 3 20 00 20 3
Practical   3  
Course  XII PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 3 60 20 80 3
Total 400  
Semester -IV  
Practical 3 20 00 20 3
Practical 3 20 00 20 3
Practical   3 20 00 20 3
Advanced Topics in Mycology
Advanced Topics in applied Microbiology
Advanced Topics in Plant Pathology
Wood Sciences, Forest Biodiversity and Plant Resources
Biodiversity, Bioprospecting, Ethnobotany and Sustainable Utilization of Plant Resources
Plant Reproduction, Tissue Culture and Horticultural Sciences
Advanced Plant Physiology and Biochemistry.
3 60 20 80 3
Toatal         400  
Title of the course
Course  I Biology And Diversity of Algae And Fungi Habitats, Thallus organisation, ultra cell structure, reproduction, pattern of life cycle and economic importance of algae.
Algal plastids, blooms and biofertilizers.
Lichens and their economic importance.
Introduction and classification of mycology
Comparative study of (Dictyosteliomycota, Myxomycota, Chytridiomycota, oomycota, Zygomycota, Ascomycota).
General account of Powdery mildews, discomycetes, Basidiomycota.
Modes of Nutrition and sex hormones in Fungi.
Importance of Fungi.
Basic concepts of algae, algal plastids, Blooms and Biofertilizers and lichens.
Basic Mycology, comparative study,Modes of Nutrition and Importance of Fungi
Course II Biology And Diversity of Microbes And Plant Pathogens Plant pathogens and their history, Classification and symptomatology
Various aspects associated with the disease development of physical, physiological and molecular (gene) level
Their transmission and spread
Management and control of various disease cycle Different diseases and their disease cycle Concepts of Microbiology and classification of different groups of microbes Structure of bacteria, virus, Nutrition, reproduction and mechanism of their anti action Cancer an its development Immunology, concept, development and control Structure and examples of various viruses, Microbes and their application (both Practical and economical) The Students must be able to recognize disease on plants and their sympo3tomology and cycle and how to control these diseases, must be differentiate various pathogens/microbes and their practical usefulness and harm on both human and plants (Agriculture).
Course III
Biology And Diversity of Bryophytes And Pteridophytes
General characters of Bryophytes and pteridophytes.
Classification, Economic importance, Alternation of generation of Bryphytes and pteridophytes.
Origin of land plants withFossil evidences.
knowledge of Paleobotany and some basic principles and techniques
General account of Marchantiales, Jungermanniales, Anthocerotales, Sphagnales, Funariales and Polytrichales.
Salient features of Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Sphenopsida, Pterridopsida.
Stelar system, Apogamy and apospory, Heterospory, seed habit, Telome theory, Cytological evolution of Pteridophytes.
Distribution and ecology of Bryophytes and pteridophytes in H.P. The students were able to classify various divisions and classes of bryophytes and Pteridophytes. Have knowledge about the liverworts, Mosses and ferns of Himachal Pradesh with their ecology and economic importance and various fossil land plants.
Migration of plants from water to land.
Familiar with morphological knowledge of bryophytes and pteridophytes.
Course IV Plant Resource Utilization And Breeding Students should know about
Wood : Structure ,properties and types ; cork and its uses
General account of bamboo species in India and its properties and uses
Economic plants yielding essential oils ,tannins, dyes,
Resins, gum and aromatic substances
Ornamental plants and fruits and nuts of Himachal Pradesh
Bioenergy and petroleum plants
Underexploited and underutilized plants
General account of psychoactive drugs and poison from plants of India
Vavilov centre of origin of cultivated plants
Plant introduction and acclimatization
General account of depression, heterosis, composites and synthetics
The students were able to identify –
identify different woods and their structure identify various economic and ornamental plants of their region
Course V
To develop the understanding of
Difference between the plant cell and animal cell.
Structure and functions of the plasma membrane, cell wall and various cell organelles.
Transportation across the cell membrane.
DNA, chromatin, chromosomes, cell division and programmed cell death.
Different levels of gene expression and their regulation
Transport and distribution of protein among cell organelles in the cell.
Students were able to identify different cell organelles in the electron micrographs and various mitotic and meiotic stages of cell division. They could differentiate between euchromatin and heterochromatin.
Course VI
Course VII
Course VIII
BIOLOGY AND DIVERSITY OF ANGIOSPERMS I(Morphology, Taxonomy and plant resource conservation)
Fossils and evolution of Angiosperms
Phenetics and phylogenetic system of classification
History, principal, rules of ICBN
Naming of hybrids and cultivars
Species concept
numerical taxonomy, cluster analysis and cladistics
Herbarium and Botanical gardens of India and world
Phytogeography of India
Local Plant diversity and socio-economic importance
Invasion and introduction with particular reference to India.
Plant biodiversity extinction and their conservation
At the end of semester, student will be able to understand the species concept of angiosperms with special reference to morphology and taxonomy
Able to identify the primitive and advanced characters of the flowering plants
Understand the importance and methods of conservation of plant resources.
Course IX
Students should know about
Mendelian inheritance and its modifications
Application of Mendel’s law
Chromosome: organization and variation
Gene expression and its experimental aspects
Quantitative genetics
Population genetics
evolution : species concept and speciation
Molecular evolution The students were able to know about the basic concepts of genetics and applied aspects of genetics
Course X
Students should develop the understanding of the following:
Types of immunity.
Cells and tissues of immune system.
Complement system, antibodies, antigens and different types of allergies caused by different allergens.
Ag-Ab interactions like agglutination, precipitation, ELISA, RIA, Western blotting etc. and their applications in diagnosis of various diseases.
Scope and significance of biotechnology
Industrial production of antibiotics, enzymes, beverages and monoclonal antibodies
Concept bioremediation, single cell proteins etc.
DNA recombinant technology
Tools and techniques used in biotechnology.
Students were able to test the type of blood group and prepare the culture media for growth of microbes.
Students could operatethe instruments used in immunology and biotechnology
Course XI
Students should know about
Meristem : types, histochemistry and organization
Angiosperms : secondary growth, male and female gametophyte and embryo sac
Cytological, biochemical and molecular aspects of incompatibilities in angiosperms
Endosperms and their types
Basic techniques to study pollen, pollen viability, their storage and allergic reaction caused by them
Tissue culture :methods, fundamental and applied aspects
The students were able to –
Learn about reproductive organs and embryo sacs of flowering plants 
Describe various anomalous structures in angiospermic wood
Describe pollen and their viabilities
Course XII
Plant soil, water relationships by involving various processes
Physiology of stomata
Phyochemistry, photosynthesis, respiration and various cycles (pathways) associated with these prosses
Nitrogen and sulphure fixation/assimilation
Photomorphogenesis; their signalling, localization and expression
Hormonal Physiology and their roles
Flowering process and related aspects of its regulation at gene and molecular level
Able to differentiated between photosynthesis ie. Energy generation and respiration (their break down) and other processes like opening and closing of stomata, flowering, photomorphogenesis. They must be able to explain the roles of various hormones on above said processes
Course XIII
Students should develop the understanding of:
Concept of pH, buffers and free energy etc.
Law of thermodynamics.
Preparation of solutions of different concentrations and molarities.
Carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids, proteins and nucleic acids in detail.
Nitrogen fixation and role of microbes in it.
Secondary metabolites.
Students were able to prepare the solutions of different concentrations and could identify the carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and amino acids in the test sample.
Course XIV
Students should know about
Climate, soil and vegetation patterns
Ecosystem, communities, populations, species, biomes and succession
Population dynamics: factors that affect its size and distribution, growth curves-J and S curve, carrying capacity, habitat and niche
Species interactions : intraspecific and interspecific interactions, predation, competition, mutualism,symbiosis,parasitism,commensalism
Energy flow in ecosystem
Terrestrial, aquatic and ocean ecosystem
Biological diversity role
Speciation and isolation
Environmental pollution
Ecological management and sustainable development 
Tell about various positive and negative interactions in community  
Understand the contemporary environmental issues including global change and life on earth
Understand various factors affecting ecosystem and energy flow
Explore the ideas of ecological management and sustainable development
Advanced Topics in Mycology
Advanced Topics in applied Microbiology
Advanced Topics in Plant Pathology
Wood Sciences, Forest Biodiversity and Plant Resources
Biodiversity, Bioprospecting, Ethnobotany and Sustainable Utilization of Plant Resources
Plant Reproduction, Tissue Culture and Horticultural Sciences
Advanced Palnt Physiology and Biochemistry.
Students should know about
Megabiodiversity status and hot spots of world
various biodiversity of India
Endangered and endemic flora of India
IUCN categories of plant
wasteland management in Himalayan region
Red data book and strategies for conservation of biodiversity
Medicinal plants, their global importance and economic aspects of exploitation of medicinal plants
Traditional botanical knowledge and techniques in ethnobotany
Role of biotechnology in the conservation of biodiversity
Sustainable utilization of plant resources
endangered and endemic species of their region
sustainable utilization of overexploited plants and conservation strategies
10 Various Pathogenic agents and injuries caused by them
Diseases in roots and factors associated with them
Mechanisms of various disease induction and prevention measures
Management and treatment of various diseases.
Students must be able to differentiate and categorized various disease caused agents, their disease cycle and their treatment by adopting suitable measures. Moreover Students must be able to know how to eradicate such diseases from plant by using various therapeutic techniques which have less harmful effects on soil and environment.


Title of the course Course Outcomes
Course I
Biosystematics & Taxonomy
Course objectives:
Basic concepts of biosystematics and taxonomy, importance of taxonomy in other disciplines.
Recent trends in biosystematics. Different concepts of species.
Components and theories of biological classification.
Diff. methods of animal collection and identification.
ICZN: concept and important rules.
Various strategies for biodiversity conservation.
Students were able to explain the following topics:
Biosystematics and taxonomy, aims and tasks of taxonomists.
Biological-, ecological-and evolutionary species concept.
Ecotaxonomy, numerical- and behavioral – taxonomy.
How to collect, identify and preserve diff. animal groups.
Taxonomic keys and rules of scientific nomenclature. Diff. conservation theories.
Course II
Structure And Functions Of Invertebrates
Course objectives:
Diagnostic features of invertebrates for their identification and classification.
Coelom: arrangement in diff. invertebrate phyla.
Protostomia and deuterostomia.
Invertebrates: various locomotory organs, excretory organs,  respiratory organs, respiratory pigments, feeding mechanisms , nervous system and parasitic larvae.
Physiology of respiration and excretion in invertebrates.
Other minor phyla of invertebrates.
Students were able to explain the following topics:
Identify and classify the invertebrates. Protostomia and deuterostomia.
Coelom in invertebrates.
various locomotory organs, excretory organs, respiratory organs, respiratory pigments, feeding mechanisms , nervous system and parasitic larvae of Invertebrates .
Physiology of respiration and excretion in invertebrates.
Course III
Insect Diversity & Physiology
Course objectives:
Insect classification upto order level with local examples.
Insect : basic morphology, physiology of integumentary, digestive, excretory, respiratory, nervous and reproductive systems. Receptor and stridulatory organs.
Insect: growth and metamorphosis, pheromones and diapauses.
Apiculture,sericulture and lac culture.
Insect vectors of human diseases.
Chemical and biological control of insect pests.
Insect in service of forensic science. Digital presentations.
Students were able to explain the following topics:
Insect classification and able to differentiate diff. insect orders.
morphology and physiology of different systems of Insect.
Insect vectors, hormonal pheromones, Apiculture,sericulture and lac culture.
Chemical and biological control of insect pests. Insects in service of forensic science.
Course IV
Biology Of Parasites
Origin and evolution of parasitism.
Study of life cycle,pathogenicity and prophylaxis of-
Protozoan parasites of genera Leishmania, Trypanosoma, Giardia, Balantidium, Plasmodium and Eimeria
Some trematodes viz. Fasciola, Fasciolopsis, Clonorchis, Paragonimus, Dicrocoelium, Polystoma and Schistosoma.
Cestodes as Taenia, Diphyllobothrium, Echinococcus, Hymenolepis and Diphylidium.
An acanthocephala, Macracanthorhynchus
Some parasitic nematodes e.g. Ascaris, Enterobius, Ancylostoma, Wuchereria, Trichinella and Strongyloides.
Students were able to prepare the permanent slide of various protozoans and study their morphological features.
Course V
Cell and molecular biology (common course)
To develop the understanding of
Difference between the plant cell and animal cell.
Structure and functions of the plasma membrane, cell wall and various cell organelles.
Transportation across the cell membrane.
DNA, chromatin, chromosomes, cell division and programmed cell death.
Different levels of gene expression and their regulation
Transport and distribution of protein among cell organelles in the cell.
Students were able to identify different cell organelles in the electron micrographs and various mitotic and meiotic stages of cell division. They could differentiate between euchromatin and heterochromatin.
Course VI
Biostatistics & computer applications (common course)
Course VII
Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates
Course objectives:
Vertebrate: morphology, classification upto order level.
Vertebrate: integument and its derivatives; Digestive system; circulatory system; urinogenital system; sensory and nervous system.
Comparative account of Jaw suspensorium, vertebral column, limbs and girdle in vertebrates.
Concise study on evolutionary history of horse, camel, elephant and man.
Students were able to explain the following topics:
Importance and scope of vertebrate morphology.
Able to recognize vertebrates upto their order.
Skin and its derivatives in diff. vertebrate groups.
Diff. modification in alimentary canal, heart, aortic arches, urinary , reproductive organs, Jaw suspensorium, vertebral column, limbs and girdle  in diff. vertebrate groups.
Gills and lungs in diff. vertebrate groups.
How present day horse, camel, elephant and man evolved
Course VIII
Developmental Biology
Students should be able to know the following:
Scope, science and applications of developmental biology.
Different developmental patterns in metazoan.
Origin and differentiation of germ cells.
Process of spermatogenesis and oogenesis with its genetic aspect.
Process of fertilization, cleavage, blastulation and gastrulation in different animal groups.
Concept of fate maps, organizers and embryonic induction in different animal groups specially vertebrates.
Various processes involved in differentiation.
Early vertebrate development i.e. neurulation, development of ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm.
Organogenesis in different vertebrates and cellular interactions during development of various organs.
Development and types of placenta with role of placental hormones.\
Modern techniques in multiple ovulation and embryo transfer.
Students were able to know and understand-
Science, scope and various applications of developmental biology.
Various phenomena in development of metazoans specially vertebrates aided by slides and digital presentation.
Modern techniques of ovulation, IVF, cryopreservation and embryo transfer.

Course IX
Cytogenetics and evolution (common course)
Students should know about
Mendelian inheritance and its modifications
Application of Mendel’s law
Chromosome: organization and variation
Gene expression and its experimental aspects
Quantitative genetics
Population genetics
evolution : species concept and speciation
Molecular evolution
The students were able to know about – 1) basic concepts of genetics
2) applied aspects of genetics
Course X
Immunology and biotechnology (common course)
Students should develop the understanding of the following:
Types of immunity.
Cells and tissues of immune system.
Complement system, antibodies, antigens and different types of allergies caused by different allergens.
Ag-Ab interactions like agglutination, precipitation, ELISA, RIA, Western blotting etc. and their  applications in diagnosis of various diseases.
Scope and significance of biotechnology
Industrial production of antibiotics, enzymes, beverages and monoclonal antibodies
Concept bioremediation, single cell proteins etc.

DNA recombinant technology
Tools and techniques used in biotechnology.
Students were able to test the type of blood group and prepare the culture media for growth of microbes. Students could operate the instruments used in immunology and biotechnology
Course XI
Applied Zoology
Students will be able to learn and understand the following:
Process, techniques and species used for sericulture, apiculture ad pisciculture with emphasis on species used in Himachal Pradesh.
Principles and practices of pest control; chemical, biological and genetic control.
Biology and control of some important agricultural pests and parasites.
Systematics, biology and control of some medically important parasites and vectors (insects).
Mode of transmission, epidemiology and control of important diseases caused by protozoa, viruses and bacteria.
Immunization and vaccination with current status of malarial vaccine.
Wild life conservation and concept of threatened species and endangered species of fauna.
Metabolic disorders regarding major food stuffs.
Different types of myopathies.
Students were able to learn and understand-
Economic importance of silk worm, honeybees and fishes and their rearing techniques.
How different pests can be controlled with minimum side effect on environment.
Biology, epidemiology and control of various human parasites, pathogens and vectors.
Concept of immunization and how vaccines are prepared.
Concept of wildlife conservation and its various programmes and strategies in India and world
What are metabolic disorders and myopathies, the reason of occurrence and how can be these managed.
Course XII
General Physiology
To enable the students understand following topics:
Digestion and absorption of major food stuff.
Control and coordination of digestion.
Blood pressure, blood flow and resistance to flow.
Vascular distensibility and compliance and body fluids.
Respiratory regulation of acid base balance.
Transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide.
Functional anatomy of kidney and nephron.
Urine formation
Ultrastructure of muscles, their mechanism of contraction.
Endocrine and reproductive physiology.
Receptors and environmental physiology. COURSE OUTCOME:
Students were able to explain the following:
Process of digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, fats and proteins and different factors which regulate the process of digestion.
Basic concept and interrelationship among blood pressure, blood flow and resistance to blood flow.
Process of oxygen and carbon dioxide transport in body.
Process of urine formation in kidney and acid base balance.
Important endocrine glands and their secretions with functions.
Mammalian gonads and gametogenesis.
Mechano, phono, chemo and photoreception.
Acclimation, acclimatization, adaptation to high altitude and deep sea diving.
Course XIII
> Students should develop the understanding of:
Concept of pH, buffers and free energy etc.
Law of thermodynamics.
Preparation of solutions of different concentrations and molarities.
Carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids, proteins and nucleic acids in detail.
Nitrogen fixation and role of microbes in it.
Secondary metabolites.
Students were able to prepare the solutions of different concentrations and could identify the carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and amino acids in the test sample.
Course XIV
Ecology (common course)
Students should know about
Climate, soil and vegetation patterns
ecosystem, communities, populations, species, biomes and succession
Population dynamics: factors that affect its size and distribution, growth curves-J and S curve, carrying capacity, habitat and niche
Species interactions : intraspecific and interspecific interactions, predation, competition, mutualism, symbiosis,parasitism,commensalism
energy flow in ecosystem
terrestrial, aquatic and ocean ecosystem
Biological diversity role
Speciation and isolation
environmental pollution
Ecological management and sustainable development
The students were able to –
Tell about various positive and negative interactions in community
Understand the contemporary environmental issues including global change and life on earth
Understand various factors affecting ecosystem and energy flow
Explore the ideas of ecological management and sustainable development
Special Paper:
Molecular and Human Genetics
Molecular Physiology (A candidate shall be required to opt one specialization)
Students should be able to know:
Basic analytical techniques in genetics using mutants and site directed mutagenesis.
Genome analysis using markers, cytogenetic and physical mapping.
Process of recombination and transposition at molecular level.
Computer analysis of genetic sequences and its basic principles.
Recombinant DNA and genetic engineering technology; gene cloning, gene therapy and DNA fingerprinting.
Human population genetics and its phenomenon.
Techniques used for prenatal diagnosis and process of genetic counseling.
Human immumnogenetics; genes related to immunoglobulin, antibody diversity, autoimmune diseases, allergy, blood groups and transplant antigens.
Genetic bases of cancer and cancer therapy.
Human genome project and eugenics. COURSE OUTCOME: Students were able to know and understand:
Analytical techniques used in genetics and their basic principles.
Molecular phenomena behind all genetic processes.
Computer programmes and techniques used for genetic analysis.
Procedure for genetic engineering, gene cloning, gene therapy and DNA fingerprinting.
Prenatal diagnostic techniques and genetic counseling.
Fundamentals of immunogenetics.
Oncogenes and cancer therapy
Human genome project.
To enable the students understand the following topics:
Agricultural entomology including biology and control of some insect pest.
Various methods of insect control and toxicology.
Medical entomology including some vector born diseases.
Insect sociobiology of honeybee, wasp, termite and ants.
Insect ecology.
Students were able to explain:
Life cycle and damaging types caused by different insect pests.
Physical, chemical, biological control measures of different insect pest along with IPM.
Malaria, yellow fever, encephalitis, kala azar, leishmaniasis.
Foraging, orientation and various casts of honey bee.
Biotic and abiotic factors affecting the insect numbers.
Different species of honey bee and its sting apparatus.

Name : Dr. Kiran Chauhan (HOD)

Email :

Mobile No. : 8219166427

Qualification : M.Sc., NET, Ph.D. (Zoology)

Name : Ms. Monika Guleria

Email :

Mobile No. : 9817282039

Qualification : M.Sc., M .Phil.(Botany)

Name : Dr. Vivek Kumar

Email :

Mobile No. : 9459370001

Qualification : M.Sc., B.Ed., MBA(HR), PGDMC, PGDCA, M.Phil., Ph.D

Name : Ms. Ranjana Thakur

Email :

Mobile No. : 9459797431

Qualification : M.Sc., M .Phil., NET

Name : Dr. Romita Devi

Email :

Mobile No. : 9418154170

Qualification : M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.(Botany)

Name : Dr. Manju Lata Sisodiya

Email :

Mobile No. : 7018047611

Qualification : M.Sc., M.Phil., M.Ed., Ph.D (Botany)

Name : Reeta Thakur

Email :

Mobile No. : 8988262662

Qualification : M.Sc, SET, GATE

Name : Dr. Parul Goel

Email :

Mobile No. : 7018004437

Qualification : M.Sc., Ph.D., Post-Doctorate, CSIR-JRF-NET-Botany

Name : Dr Nirja

Email :

Mobile No. : 9056976977

Qualification : M.Sc, B.Ed, Ph.D (Botany), NET & SET

Name : Dr. Preeti Kaundil

Email :

Mobile No. : 7649964428

Qualification : B.Sc., B.Ed., M.Sc, M.Phill., Ph.D.

Name : Dr. Mahender Singh

Email :

Mobile No. : 8219573610

Qualification : M.Sc., M.Phil, Ph.D.(Zoology)

Final Date-sheet of M.Sc. Botany End Semester Examination July/August, 2024 - SPU Mandi Download File..
Dated : Jul 16, 2024
Final Date-sheet of M.Sc. Botany End Semester Examination July/August, 2024 - SPU Mandi
Final Date-sheet of M.Sc. Zoology End Semester Examination July/August, 2024 - SPU Mandi Download File..
Dated : Jul 16, 2024
Final Date-sheet of M.Sc. Zoology End Semester Examination July/August, 2024 - SPU Mandi
Final Updated Date Sheet for M.Sc. Botany End Semester Examination March/ April, 2024 - SPU Mandi Download File..
Dated : Feb 27, 2024
Final Updated Date Sheet for M.Sc. Botany End Semester Examination March/ April, 2024 - SPU Mandi
Final Updated Date Sheet for M.Sc. Zoology End Semester Examination March/ April, 2024 - SPU Mandi Download File..
Dated : Feb 27, 2024
Final Updated Date Sheet for M.Sc. Zoology End Semester Examination March/ April, 2024 - SPU Mandi
Tentative Date Sheet for the End Semester Examination to be held in July 2023 - SPU Mandi Download File..
Dated : Jun 29, 2023
Tentative Date Sheet for the End Semester Examination to be held in July 2023 - SPU Mandi 
Download File..
Dated : Dec 19, 2022
Tentative Date-sheet of M.Sc. Botany & Zoology 1st Semester - SPU Mandi
Notification regarding extend of last date of PG courses examination forms Download File..
Dated : Dec 07, 2022
Notification regarding extend of last date of PG courses examination forms
Tentative Date-sheet of M.Sc. Botany & Zoology 1st Semester - SPU Mandi Download File..
Dated : Nov 18, 2022
Tentative Date-sheet of M.Sc. Botany & Zoology 1st Semester - SPU Mandi
Notification regarding submission of examination forms of Post Graduate Degree courses Download File..
Dated : Nov 17, 2022
Notification regarding submission of examination forms of Post Graduate Degree courses
Admission to PG Courses 2022-23 Download File..
Dated : Aug 01, 2022
Admission to PG Courses 2022-23
Date-sheet for M.Sc. Botany & Zoology examinations to be held in July, 2022 Download File..
Dated : Jul 15, 2022
Date-sheet for M.Sc. Botany & Zoology examinations to be held in July, 2022
Notification regarding extension of last date for submission of examination form of PG Courses Download File..
Dated : Jun 13, 2022
Notification regarding extension of last date for submission of examination form of PG Courses
Date sheet of M.Sc. Botany/Zoology examinations to be held in March, 2022 Download File..
Dated : Feb 21, 2022
Date sheet of M.Sc. Botany/Zoology examinations to be held in March, 2022
Notification regarding submission of examination forms of PG examination Download File..
Dated : Jan 07, 2022
Notification regarding submission of examination forms of  PG examination scheduled to be held in March, 2022
Fee Notice for M.Sc. 2nd Year Students (Session 2021-22) Download File..
Dated : Oct 20, 2021
Fee Notice for M.Sc. 2nd Year Students (Session 2021-22)
Time Table of M.Sc. Botany and Zoology 1st & 3rd Semester, October 2021 Download File..
Dated : Oct 02, 2021
Time Table of M.Sc. Botany and Zoology 1st & 3rd Semester, October 2021
Important Notice: Regarding Admission to M.Sc. 1st Semester (Physics, Chemistry, Botany and Zoology) Download File..
Dated : Sep 18, 2021
Important Notice: Regarding Admission to M.Sc. 1st Semester (Physics, Chemistry, Botany and Zoology)
Important Notice Regarding Admission to M.Sc. Ist Semester, Session 2021-2022 Download File..
Dated : Sep 15, 2021
Important Notice Regarding Admission to M.Sc. Ist Semester, Session 2021-2022
Revised datesheet of M.Sc. Botany & Zoology Download File..
Dated : Sep 10, 2021
Revised datesheet of M.Sc. Botany & Zoology
Date-sheet for M.Sc. (Botany/ Zoology) 2nd & 4th Sem. Regular and 1st & 3rd Sem. Re-appear exam Download File..
Dated : Aug 27, 2021
Date-sheet for M.Sc. (Botany/ Zoology) 2nd & 4th Semester Regular and 1st & 3rd Semester Re-appear examination to be held in September, 2021
Notification regarding submission of examination forms in respect Postgraduate courses Download File..
Dated : Jul 29, 2021
Notification regarding submission of examination forms in respect Postgraduate courses
National Webinar on "Preventing, Halting and Reversing the Degradation of Ecosystems" Download File..
Dated : Jun 25, 2021
National Webinar on "Preventing, Halting and Reversing the Degradation of Ecosystems"
Datesheet of M.Sc. Botany, Zoology, Chemistry & Physics examinations to be held in March, 2021 Download File..
Dated : Mar 04, 2021
Student Notice: Results of Competitions held for National Science Day 2021 Download File..
Dated : Feb 28, 2021
Student Notice: NATIONAL SCIENCE DAY - 2021 Download File..
Dated : Feb 13, 2021
Student Notice: Regarding Online filling of e-examination form for PG Courses Download File..
Dated : Jan 28, 2021
A few seats are lying vacant for the admission to M.Sc. Ist Semester Download File..
Dated : Dec 08, 2020
Last date to deposit the fee of M.Sc. III Semester is 7th December, 2020 Download File..
Dated : Dec 02, 2020
Merit list of M.Sc. I Botany, Session 2020-21 Download File..
Dated : Nov 28, 2020
Merit List of M.Sc. I Zoology, Session 2020-2021 Download File..
Dated : Nov 28, 2020
Student Notice: Regarding M.Sc. 1st Semester Merit List, Counselling & Admission Download File..
Dated : Nov 09, 2020
Datesheet of M.Sc. Botany & Zoology examinations to be held in September, 2020 Download File..
Dated : Aug 31, 2020
Datesheet of M.Sc. Botany & Zoology examinations to be held in September, 2020
Notification regarding change of examination centre in PG Courses Download File..
Dated : Aug 28, 2020
HPU Notification regarding PG online examination forms Download File..
Dated : Jun 20, 2020
Student Notice: BIODIVERSITY DAY 2020 Results Download File..
Dated : May 23, 2020
Bio Diversity Day 2020 Download File..
Dated : May 20, 2020
Date-sheet for M.Sc. (Botany/ Zoology) 1st & 3rd Semester Regular and 2nd & 4th Semester Re-appear examination to be held in November, 2019 Download File..
Dated : Nov 18, 2019
Date sheet of Mid-Semester Test, M.Sc. Botany & Zoology-2019 Download File..
Dated : Oct 01, 2019
Admission Schedule of M.Sc. Download File..
Dated : Jun 16, 2019
Datesheet of M.Sc. Botany/Zoology Examinations to be held in June, 2019 Download File..
Dated : Jun 11, 2019
Candidates called for Counseling cum Admission of M.Sc. Botany to be held on 11-07-2018 Download File..
Dated : Jul 10, 2018
Candidates called for Counseling cum Admission of M.Sc. Zoology to be held on 11-07-2018 Download File..
Dated : Jul 10, 2018
Date-sheet of M.Sc. (Botany & Zoology) June 2018 Download File..
Dated : May 29, 2018
Datesheet of M.Sc. Botany & Zoology Download File..
Dated : Nov 06, 2017
Candidates called for Counselling of M.Sc. Zoology to be held on 18-07-2017 Download File..
Dated : Jul 17, 2017
Candidates called for Counselling of M.Sc. Botany to be held on 18-07-2017 Download File..
Dated : Jul 17, 2017

World AIDS Day 2021

Preventing & Halting the Ecosystems


M.Sc. Botany & Zoology Batch 2013-2015



D/O Sh. Madan Mohan

1st in H.P.U., Gold Medallist


Manju Devi

D/O Sh. Girija Shankar

6th in H.P.U


Shailja Sharma

D/o Sh. Chander Sekher

10th in H.P.U.

M.Sc. Botany & Zoology Batch 2014-2016


Seepika Thaper

D/O Sh. Layak Ram

1st in H.P.U., Gold Medallist


Preeti Kaundil

D/O Sh. Parkash Chand

5th in H.P.U.


Shreshtha Kumari

D/O Sh. Lachhman Singh

8th in H.P.U.


Reena Thakur

D/O Sh. Teeja Singh

9th in H.P.U.


Sarita Kumari

Sh. Jeevan Singh

10th in H.P.U.

M.Sc. Botany & Zoology Batch 2015-2017


Neha Jaswal

D/O Sh. Narender Singh

2nd in H.P.U.


Kiran Bala

D/o Sh. Bhim Sen

4th in H.P.U.


Himanchali Devi

D/O Sh. Devi Singh

8th in H.P.U.


Mamta Devi

D/O Sh. Raju Ram

10th in H.P.U.


Sujata Ghai

D/O Sh. Devender Ghai

10th in H.P.U.

Our Achievements

Self Financing Scheme

Pioneer institution to start courses under Self financing scheme in the state of Himachal Pradesh.

Concept of B. Ed.

First college in the state to introduce the concept of B. Ed. under self financing scheme.

M. Sc.

First college in the state to introduce M. Sc’s in Physics and Chemistry.

Excellence in Sports

Has consistently maintained a tradition of excellence in sports and culture for the last 40 years.


Designated as Centre of Excellence for Boxing by the District Sports Council, Mandi.


Presently has 17 departments with a student strength of more than 3000.